Annual Fees and Benefits of Membership

Full member fees vary depending on country of origin because different economies mediate the level of income that members attract, and therefore their ability to pay.

Lifetime and Honorary Membership awarded at the discretion of the council.

Individual Membership benefits include:
• Full voting rights at association elections
• The right to stand for association office*
• The right to bid for conference hosting*
• Access to the membership contact list
• Access to recorded webinars and related documents
• Bi-annual newsletter
• Association conference discounts
• Discounts on selected commercially published reports and books deemed by the association to be of value to members
• Discounts of Association sponsored training
(* excludes lifetime and honorary members)


United Kingdom, Ireland, Western Europe, North America, East Asia,  Australia & New Zealand, Israel & Middle East (except Palestine), Greenland, Iceland.


China, South Africa, Russia, South America, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Oceanic nations.


India, Bangladesh, Eastern Europe, Africa (except South Africa), Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Palestine.

Organisational Membership

Organizational Benefits:

  1. Individual benefits are included, plus the following

  2. 5 individuals named under this membership.

  3. 5 free webinar spaces

from £60.00